The pupils and the peoples who have twitter come follow me!!/Zoey_Claire101
Here's some pictures of the bird! haha! TWEET TWEET TWEET! Cute birds!
Comelkan? hahaha! Kalah adik kesayangan aku yang lelaki tuh...hahahaha...Sorry adik ku. Twitter is now better than Facebook i think so..Although twitter tak seberapa hebat mcm social network terkini iaitu FACEBOOK but TWITTER pun sama jugak but ia berfungsi untuk kita tulis tulis je..Takde kelebihan kot! hahaha! Kalau si Mark Zukerburg ( macam mana nak eja pun aku tak tahu lantak lahh eyh! ) tuh tak buat FACEBOOK insya-ALLAH MYSPACE or TWITTER is still good..haha! I love twitter so much!
Here's another picture of the twitter logo and it makes me feel so PEACEFUL! Ahh....hahaha! It's sound more crazy! HELL YA! haahaha! Thats all! Boi boi! Hope you follow me on TWITTER!
TWEET TWEET! ( that means Bye bye)
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